भगबती चौधरी

Born in the indigenous Tharu family in April 1975, Bhagbati Chaudhary has been very agile, sincere, and determined since her childhood. At that time, most parents of the backward community do not send their girl child to school. Being obdurate, she kept going to school and then colleges for her education. She has now acquired M.A. in Sociology and Mater is in Business Administration academic degrees.

A brief profile of

Bhagbati Chaudhary

Chairperson, Forward Community Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.

A Member of the Central Committee of the Nepal Communist Party


Born in the indigenous Tharu family in April 1975, Bhagbati Chaudhary has been very agile, sincere, and determined since her childhood. At that time, most parents of the backward community do not send their girl child to school. Being obdurate, she kept going to school and then colleges for her education. She has now acquired M.A. in Sociology and Mater is in Business Administration academic degrees.

Bhagbati married a social activist, Dinesh Chaudhary, in May 1995 and got a boy child in August 1996.  To uplift their socially backward Tharu community, they established a social service organization named Forum for Rural Women Ardency Development (FORWARD) in the Eastern part of Nepal in May 1995. Her husband died in June 2007 in an accident that shocked and ruined Bhagbati and the entire family of the FORWARD. To continue their work toward the vision dreamed by herself and her husband, she rejuvenated herself and kept leading the organization as executive chairperson.  Through its different social, educational, and economic development programs including microfinance, FORWARD has made a significant contribution to make social and economic improvement of thousands of women of the Tharu community as well as of other socially backward communities in the region. Later with the equity partnership of Everest Bank Ltd., a national-level commercial Bank, and the RMDC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd., a pioneer microfinance wholesaler, FORWARD promoted a national-level financial institution named Forward Community Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. Because of her great roles in the transformation of the microfinance program of the NGO into a regulated financial institution, Bhagbati was selected as chairperson of the microfinance institution and she still working on the same position of the organization.

Bhagbati has also played important roles with other organizations. She was Assistant Director at the Social Welfare Council (SCF) for 2 years. SCF is a government body that supervises and regulated NGOs in the country. She served as a central committee member of the NGO Federation of Nepal for 4 years. She has been working as founder and chairman of Forward Savings and Credit Cooperative Ltd since 2002. Since 2008, she has been a steering committee member of the Nepalese Microfinance Summit.  Currently, she serves as a member of the microfinance banker association of Nepal. She worked as secretary of the microfinance association of Nepal, a federation of microfinance NGOs. She is immediate past Charter President of Lions Club of Duhabi 325-A1, Nepal.

She has been awarded the "Outstanding Women Educator, Social Entrepreneur, and Social worker Award" by the National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), India on Women's Day in 2015.

She has presented papers and spoke in different national and international organizations, such as Asia-Pacific Regional Microcredit Summit 2008, Bali; Global Microcredit Summit, 2011, Spain; Microfinance Technology Summit, 2012, Kuala Lumpur; Seminar on Global Contact – Local Scenario " South Asia Civil Society Consultation Climate Change" organized by Global Call Action for Poverty, 2008, Dhaka; Annual Anniversary and 2nd Con

venation of Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Forum Australia (NINFA), 2008, Sydney.

For her great professional social service in the country, the then government selected her as a member of the Constituency Assembly in 2008. Later in 2009, she was given to work as state minister for forest and soil conservation. Currently, she serves as a central committee member of the Nepal Communist Party, a ruling party.

भगबती चौधरी Timeline

07-14 October 1998
Participated in Training /Workshop on "Training of Trainers on Parenting Education" held in Lahan by UNICEF and Save the Children U.S.
03-06 December 2000
Participated in Workshop / Training: "Workshop on Business Planning" in Kathmandu by Rural Microfinance Development Center (RMDC).
23-26 April 2000
Participated in Training /Workshop on “Child Health Promotion Program”. Held in Ilam Nepal by UNICEF.
08-09 April 2003
Participation Training / Workshop on "Training on Business Planning" held in Kathmandu by RMDC.
27-31 January 2003
Training and Workshop on "Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)" held in Lahan Nepal by Center for Self-Help Development (CSD) and Rural Microfinance Development Center (RMDC).
11-13 May 2004
Workshop and Training on "Financial Analysis & Management" in Kathmandu Nepal Nepal by Rural Microfinance Development Center (RMDC).
5-7 December 2004
Participated in Workshop /Training on "Management Training Program" in Kathmandu Nepal held by Rural Microfinance Development Center (RMDC).
21 March-01 Apr 2005
Participated in Training / Workshop in Extension Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on the professional development program on “Human Resources Management” held in AIT Bangkok Thailand.
 March 30-02 April 2006
Participated in Workshop / Training "Training on Management Information Systems" in Kathmandu Nepal held by Rural Microfinance Development Center (RMDC).
01 - 03 Jun 2006
Participated in Training /Workshop in EDA Rural System Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi Gurgauan on "Improving Operating Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions".
21 March-01 Apr 2007
Participated in Training /Workshop on "Grameen Generalized System (GB-II)" Program held in Kathmandu Nepal Grameen Trust Bangladesh and Rural Microfinance Development Center (RMDC).
22-25 Dec 2008
Participated in Business Planning Training / Workshop on Micro fin Model in EDA Rural System Gurgauon Delhi India.
25-27 March 2010
Participated in Training / Workshop on "Investment Readiness Training for Microfinance Institutions" held by Center for Financial Inclusion & EDA Rural System India in Kathmandu Nepal.
28th-30th January 2013
Participated in the A Certified Master Class in BASEL III conducted on 28th- 30th January 2013, Program organized by Fleming Gulf Training at Mumbai, India. Topics as on Risk regulation before Basel II, An overview of Basel III, The Basel Principles for risk management and governance, Market Risk, Credit Risk, Operational Risk, Pillars 2 and 3, Countercyclical Capital Buffer, Global Liquidity Standards, The Impact of Basel III, Risk Modeling, Stress-testing.

भगबती चौधरी Mission/ Vision